Project Team

March 15, 2024, 11:48 a.m.


Project Team

Many people contributed to the creation and implementation of this site.

As this site transforms and evolves, team members have also changed. Here are the team members listed by era.

Steering Committee

  • Alex Borucki - University of California, Irvine
  • Daniel B. Domingues da Silva - Rice University
  • Paul Gardullo - National Museum of African American History and Culture
  • Martha Howard - The Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture, William & Mary University
  • Tara Inniss - University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados
  • Allen Tullos - Emory University
  • Geoff Ward - Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Abby Wolf - The Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Harvard University

Operational Committee

  • David Eltis - Ex-Officio
  • Alex Borucki - Department of History - University of California, Irvine
  • Jorge Delgadillo - SlaveVoyages Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-2023)
  • Daniel B. Domingues da Silva - Department of History - Rice University
  • Jane Hooper - Department of History - George Mason University
  • Martha Howard - The Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture
  • Nafees M. Khan - Ralph Appelbaum Associates
  • Kate McMahon - Center for the Study of Global Slavery - National Museum of African American History and Culture
  • Maria R. Montalvo - Department of History - Emory University
  • Philip Misevich - Department of History - St. John's University
  • Gregory E. O'Malley - Department of History - University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Alexandre Pelegrino - SlaveVoyages Postdoctoral Fellow (2023-2024)
  • Nicholas Radburn - Department of History - Lancaster University, UK
  • Miguel Rodrigues - SlaveVoyages Postdoctoral Fellow (2024-2025)
  • Kelly Schmidt - Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Equity - Washington University in St. Louis
  • Jelmer Vos - Department of History - University of Glasgow, UK
  • Rodney Worrell - Department of History and Philosophy - University of the West Indies, Cave Hill

Host of

  • Rice University

Executive Committee

  • Alex Borucki - Department of History - University of California, Irvine
  • Daniel B. Domingues da Silva - Department of History - Rice University
  • Jane Hooper - Department of History - George Mason University
  • Nafees M. Khan - College of Education - Clemson University
  • Gregory E. O'Malley - Department of History - University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Maria R. Montalvo - Department of History - Emory University
  • Philip Misevich - Department of History - St. John's University
  • Nicholas Radburn - Department of History - Lancaster University, UK
  • Rebecca Shumway - Department of History - University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  • Jelmer Vos - Department of History - University of Glasgow, UK
  • Jennie K. Williams - Department of History - University of California, Santa Cruz
  • David Eltis - ex officio
  • Allen Tullos - ex officio

Editors, Intra-American Slave Trade Database

  • Alex Borucki - Department of History - University of California, Irvine
  • Gregory E. O'Malley - Department of History - University of California, Santa Cruz

Editors, PAST (Origins)

  • Daniel B. Domingues da Silva - Department of History - Rice University
  • Philip Misevich - Department of History - St. John's University
  • Nicholas Radburn - Department of History - Lancaster University
  • David Eltis - Professor of History - Emeritus, Emory University

Editors, Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database

  • Daniel B. Domingues da Silva - Department of History - Rice University
  • Nicholas Radburn - Department of History - Lancaster University, UK

Video Creators

  • Arya Basu - Visual Information Specialist II
  • Steve Bransford - Senior Video Producer
  • Ian Burr - Digital Visualization Fellow
  • Nafees M. Khan - College of Education - Clemson University
  • Nicholas Radburn - Department of History - Lancaster University, UK
  • Jane Webster - School of History, Classics and Archaeology - Newcastle University, UK
  • David Eltis - Professor of History - Emeritus, Emory University

Advisory Board

  • Stephen Behrendt - History Programme - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
  • David Eltis - Professor of History - Emeritus, Emory University
  • Paul LaChance - Department of History - University of Ottawa
  • David Richardson - Department of History - The University of Hull, UK

Technical/Infrastructure Resources

  • Domingos Dellamonica Jr. - - Programmer
  • W. Terry Hardgraves - Data Analyst
  • Paul LaChance - Data Architect
  • Amy Li - Communications Specialist, Post-Doctoral Fellow - Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
  • Yang Li - Senior Software Engineer, UI/UX Designer - Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
  • Chase Lovellette - Systems Lead
  • Wayne Morse - Co-Director - Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
  • Mark Prefer - Lead Systems Administrator - Emory Center for Digital Scholarship

Project Coordinator

  • Marcy Alexander - Emory Center for Digital Scholarship

Executive Committee

  • Alex Borucki - Department of History - University of California, Irvine
  • Daniel B. Domingues da Silva - Department of History - Rice University
  • Jane Hooper - Department of History - Georgia Mason University
  • Nafees M. Khan - College of Education - Clemson University
  • Gregory E. O'Malley - Department of History - University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Philip Misevich - Department of History - St. John's University
  • Nicholas Radburn - Department of History - Lancaster University, UK
  • Rebecca Shumway - Department of History - University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  • Jelmer Vos - Department of History - University of Glasgow, UK

The project received two National Endowment for the Humanities grants in this period. One was awarded to Emory University, the other, jointly, to the University of California at Irvine and the University of California at Santa Cruz.

Emory NEH Award

Principal Investigators

  • David Eltis - Woodruff Professor Emeritus - Department of History, Emory University
  • Allen Tullos - Professor of History, and Co-Director Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, Emory University

Development Team

  • Marcy Alexander - Project Coordinator
  • Arya Basu - Visual Information Specialist
  • Steve Bransford - Senior Video Producer
  • Andrew Britt - Research Fellow, Department of History
  • Ian Burr - Digital Specialist
  • Domingos Dellamonica, Jr - Lead Programmer
  • Jennifer Doty - Research Data Librarian
  • Joseph Fritsch - Digital Scholarship Associate
  • Rachel Gardner - Digital Scholarship Associate
  • Matt Graci - Digital Scholarship Associate
  • W. Terry Hardgrave - Data Analyst
  • Paul Lachance - Data Architect
  • Yang Li - Senior Software Engineer, UI/UX Designer - Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
  • Chase Lovellette - Systems Lead
  • Adam P. Newman - Special Projects Liaison, Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
  • Wayne H. Morse - Co-Director, Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
  • Michael Page - Geographer, GIS Specialist
  • Mark Prefer - Lead Systems Administrator
  • Anandi Silva Salinas - Training Coordinator, Special Projects Liaison
  • Martha Shull - Post Award Specialist
  • Michael Williamson - Director of Finance

University of California NEH Award

Principal Investigators

  • Alex Borucki – Associate Professor, Department of History, University of California, Irvine
  • Gregory E. O'Malley – Associate Professor, Department of History, University of California, Santa Cruz

Development Team

  • Marcy Alexander - Project Coordinator
  • Katherine Cosby – Research Assistant
  • Domingos Dellamonica, Jr - Lead Programmer
  • Jorge Felipe - Research Assistant
  • Paul Lachance - Data Architect
  • Shoshana Lande – Research Assistant
  • Yang Li - Senior Software Engineer, UI/UX Designer - Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
  • Muiris MacGiollabhui – Research Assistant
  • Jaclyn Schultz, Research Assistant
  • Max Speare – Research Assistant

NEH Grant Principal Investigators

  • David Eltis - Woodruff Professor of History - Department of History, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  • Martin Halbert - Digital Programs and Systems Division - Woodruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Development Team

  • Franky Abbott - Digital Programs Publicity Coordinator
  • Richard Arzillo - Research Assistant
  • Ginger Cain - Emory Library Development Coordinator
  • Angela Campbell - SIRE Undergraduate Research Fellow
  • Robin Conner - Digital Programs Administrative Assistant
  • Peter Carter - Research Assistant - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
  • Heather Dahl - Curriculum Development Team Member
  • Daniel B. Domingues da Silva - Image Coordinator
  • Erika Farr - Digital Programs Team Leader
  • Kyle Fenton - Unix Administration, Integration & Web Development Team Leader
  • Brian Hamilton - Curriculum Development Team Member Weston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Liyuan Han - Programmer
  • Pawel Jurczyk - Programmer
  • Tomasz Jurczyk - Programmer
  • Nafees M. Khan - Curriculum Development Advisor
  • Paul Lachance - Visiting Professor
  • Chris LaRosa - Programmer
  • Kristine Leach - Curriculum Development Team Member
  • Stacey Martin - GIS Consultant
  • Lea McLees - Emory Libraries Director of Communication
  • Liz Milewicz -Project Manager
  • Frank Owen - Systems Engineer Owenworks, Inc., Blacksburg, Virginia USA
  • Smita Patel - Emory Libraries Senior Software Engineer
  • Brian Pitts - Programmer
  • Michael Poreda - Curriculum Development Team Member Bernardsville, New Jersey, USA
  • Nicholas J. Radburn - Research Assistant Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
  • Chris Roddy - Lead Systems Administrator
  • Katherine Skinner - Digital Preservation Coordinator
  • Joan A. Smith - Emory Libraries Chief Technology Strategist Emory Libraries
  • Alex Thomas - Emory Libraries Applications Developer and Analyst
  • Kathleen Turaski - Web Design Consultant Resonance, Decatur, Georgia, USA
  • Scott Turnbull - Emory Libraries Information Technology Manager
  • Hoang Vo - Programmer
  • Jelmer Vos - Post-Doctoral Fellow Centro de História de Além-Mar, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Rik van Welie - Research Fellow
  • Xin Zhang - Programmer
  • Jan Zich - Lead Programmer

Steering Committee

  • Stephen D. Behrendt History Programme, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
  • Manolo Florentino Departamento de Historia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • David Richardson Department of History, The University of Hull, UK

Advisory Board

  • Carole Hahn Division of Educational Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  • Herbert S. Klein Department of History, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA
  • Paul Lovejoy Department of History, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Joseph Miller Department of History, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
  • G. Ugo Nwokeji Department of African American Studies, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA
  • Regina Werum Department of Sociology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA