Variable List

March 14, 2024, 5:03 p.m.


Variable List

The variable list provides summary information on variables of the Voyages Database in the "Search the Database" section. The variables are displayed here in the form of short labels. The second column gives their equivalents in the downloadable SPSS version of the database, where variable names take the form of acronyms. These names are also used in downloads of data for listings, tables and graphics from the website.

Most variables are "data variables" - information as found in a primary source documenting a slaving voyage. Some are "imputed variables" indicated by IMP. They include information, such as Flag IMP which indicates what our researchers think is the likely nationality of the vessel when hard information on registration is missing, and Slaximp and Slamimp variables showing the likely numbers of captives on board at departure and arrival. Although not directly documented, these imputations are based on patterns observed in data variables.