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In the 1840s, Commander José Joaquim Lopes de Lima sailed to the Portuguese possessions overseas and produced one of the most detailed reports about the Portuguese Empire. Attached to these reports, there were several maps of the main ports and regions involved in the Atlantic slave trade. As the Portuguese were among the greatest slave traders, so the commander’s maps offer an important opportunity to view these ports and regions. The image is of a map of Luanda, in Angola, at West-Central Africa, published in 1846. It shows the city, lower section of the image, and provides details of its main buildings, the depth of the bay and of the road leading to the north of Luanda. Luanda was a major port of the slave trade for centuries, but in the 1840s the slave trade from Angola moved mostly to the areas to the north of Luanda. The map shows Luanda during the period of decline of its slave trading activities. The image is reproduced courtesy of the Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library, Emory University.
J.J. Lopes de Lima, Ensaios sobre a Statística das Possessões Portuguezas... (Lisbon, 1844-62), vol. 3, part 2, p. 3.